Goals for 2018

Goals for 2018 (1)

Well, I’m posting my goals for 2018 one week into February so I’m already off to a great start ๐Ÿ™‚ .

  • Post at least twice a month. I struggled with posting regularly towards the end of last year, even went on a mini hiatus. I have accepted that I most likely won’t have time to regularly blog anymore but I think I can do twice a month.
  • Visit other blogs once a week, especially people who I consider my blogger friends.
  • Do not request any books from NetGalley or Edelweiss unless Iย know I’m going to read it. I requested too many books last year and I still have a few I haven’t read yet. This starts making me feel guilty about not reading so when I do pick it up, it’s often not due to excitement but obligation.
  • Read at least 40 books. My goal last year was 40 too and I read exactly 40 so I’ll just keep that goal.
  • Read more books out of my comfort zone. I love YA but I feel like I miss out on a lot of good NA and Adult books. The majority of books I read will be Young Adult but I want to venture into other genres this year.
  • Listen to more audio books. More and more people are telling me about the magic of audio books. There have been a lot of times last year where I wanted to read but didn’t actually feel like reading and audio books seem like a great alternative.
  • Write at least 1500 words a week. At the beginning of the year, my goal was to write 500 words a day and it was an epic fail. So I settled on 1500 a week (which I already know is pushing it but we shall see).
  • Finish the first draft of my WIP. I am currently working on a high Fantasy loosely based on Islamic mythology (mostly Djinns). I want to have the first draft done by this year.
  • Go to YALLFest again. I went to YALLFest last year with three of my friends and it was an awesome trip. I’d love to go again this year!
  • Go to at least two author events. I’m lucky enough to be living in Atlanta where thereย areย a lot of author events. I need to start going to more of these because I love meeting authors.


What are some of your goals of the year? Have you accomplished most of your 2017 goals?


31 thoughts on “Goals for 2018

  1. Great goals! And it’s no problem you’re posting this in February. Goals change as time passes, it’s normal! I feel you on the writing bit and on writing regular posts… Maybe try doing weekly memes? I’m about to start trying to join some. Since most of them follow the same topic every week, they’re easy to follow along!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Ohhh these are great goals! Good luck with them ๐Ÿ™‚ Your WIP sounds really interesting! Don’t force yourself to finish it, it’s already great if you work on it ๐Ÿ™‚ Same goes for your other goals – don’t pressure yourself and just have fun!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Oh I love all of your goals here. I hope you will manage to write your WIP and work on it a bit more this year, it sounds SO interesting ๐Ÿ˜€
    Best of luck for all of your goals! xx

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Hello Shouni ๐Ÿ™‚
    Those sounds like great goals for 2018! I am glad that you are giving audiobooks a try- Although I still prefer print books, I love listening to an audiobook when I am on the go or donโ€™t feel like reading words.
    One of my goals this year is also to read more outside the YA genre ๐Ÿ™‚ Good luck to us both!
    All the best on your WIP. I agree that it is better to set realistic and achievable goals, rather than heftier goals that we are less likely to accomplish. All the best in 2018!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much!! I spend a lot of time commuting and don’t always want to read so audio books have helped with that. You’re right know, nothing can beat print books, they’ll always be my favorite. Oh yay! Good to know! Good luck! ๐Ÿ˜„

      Yes, I prefer realistic and achievable goals because then I actually feel guilty for not accomplishing them.

      Thank you again!! โค All the best to you too!

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      1. I also spend tons of time commuting everyday and for that reason audiobooks and eBooks are my best friend ๐Ÿ™‚ I find that it is heavy to carry print books around, so I rarely read books in print now actually
        Haha yes, when our goals are realistic, we really have no excuse to not accomplish them ๐Ÿ™‚ I think it sets us up for success!

        Liked by 1 person

  5. I hope you can achieve all of these goals! It can be hard to be consistent with blogging. I basically just manage to post once a week. It’s a struggle and it takes so much dedication. So I can understand how hard it can be. I like that you want to keep supporting blogging buddies as well ^.^ I hope you’ll be able to give some time to your writing as well. Take care, Shouni โค

    My recent post: http://oliviascatastrophe.com/2018/02/shatter-me-book-review/

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  6. ooooh your WIP sounds so interesting!! you have to show us a few excerpts sometime xD
    also omg, I’ve always wanted to go to yallfest or yallwest but it always coincides with finals season at my school :”’) maybe someday!!
    I can totally relate to requesting WAAY too many books to Netgalley.. I still have two that I haven’t read yet, and it’s making me feel really bad HAHA

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Hannah! Maybe I will someday! That’s so annoying about Yallfest and Yallwest, I wish they did them in the summer when people are out of school. I hope you do someday!
      I KNOWWWWW! I feel so guilty about not reading them but still haven’t picked those book up ๐Ÿ˜ฆ *sigh*

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      1. I’ll be looking forward to it! ๐Ÿ˜‰
        and OH MY GOSH YES, I’ve always wondered why they didn’t hold them during summer ;_; attending a book festival is high up there on my bucket list and I’m determined to go before I finish school :”)


  7. I think you have some really great goals here! Sounds like apart from these you have a super busy schedule, otherwise Iโ€™d encourage you to stick to the 500 words a day. I personally found that breaking writing into little chunks really helped me, and I was able to reach a thousand or more (4000 one day) easily. Good luck to you!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh wow, good for you!! That’s really awesome! I haven’t been keeping up with my writing goals unfortunately so your comment was a nice motivator. I hope you continue to be as productive!

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